As we all know, the indiaplaza offer for harry potter and the dethaly hallows attracted the attention of quite a large number of readers. And around 15k copies have been preordered and successfully delivered. For those who have dipped too much into the book here is the recap of the offer.
- 35% discount
- Delivery on the same day
- Free shipment
- 6 months book club membership in indiaplaza
- Gift vouchers
- Game CDs and many more...
As their website hits were quite high they want to make hay while the sun shines. In order to promote their sales they started to give offers for other bestsellers as well. A typical bestseller would have an offer something like
- 24 hours shipment
- Free of shipment charges
- 20-30% discount
Not only me any bibliophile would have been happy looking at these offers. Buying books via this portal comforted to a much larger extent. As I bought new books at discount prize without the slightest repentance of promoting piracy. But that didn't last long. After completing harry potter I took my list of 'whats next ?' and picked a few for ordering it at Indiaplaza. But there was not even a trace of such an offer. Its all vanished like magic. Every book had this note "ships between 3-16 days and shipment and handling charges Rs25 additional !!"
But thank god, i got the free book club membership for the next 6 months. I still have an assured discount of 25% on any book I buy.
But thank god, i got the free book club membership for the next 6 months. I still have an assured discount of 25% on any book I buy.